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Thursday, June 9, 2011


For most of us, we have family. Some are larger than others, but in general we have someone who is related to us. I don’t know how you could possibly not have any relatives or family, but I am sure there is one way or another. So let’s assume most of us have someone they can point to as a member of their family.

What really makes a family interesting are the stories and background that mold it; we all have stories---some are skeletons in the closet, and some are “don’t let this ever be repeated” moments---that have occurred through the generations of merging, blending and creating.

What’s interesting is when you “invade” a family due to a second marriage; I know, I fall into that situation. The term “blending” could not be more accurate for me. Some of it has been a “smoothie” and some of it a “rocky road.” But in the end it has all worked.

There is another side to the story---and that’s when you leave it through divorce or a situation that ends your status as a family member. It happens.

Joining another family, for sure, has its benefits---you meet new people who are interested in meeting you and vice versa. But it also has its challenging times; you encounter new situations that you never thought you would deal with---this has been part of the “merger” and although some of it has been very difficult to deal with, in the end it is what makes you who you are. There is no escaping the truth.

My wife’s sister and brother in law were someone I didn’t know for the first part of my marriage; I had met them, but due to prior situations, really didn’t know them at all. I had heard about their life, knew of some of the challenges that had encountered, but all in all, I really didn’t know them besides by name. I am very happy to say that has all changed and now we have welcomed one another into our respective lives. I am very thankful for that---I really do like them a lot.

I love my family, and whereas you can never pick those who will make it up, I would say all in all life has worked out pretty well.

The photo above is of my wife’s sister, husband and children. There is an important child missing from the photo however; nearly 9 years ago, they lost their daughter Devan to cancer. She was 4 years old. I had never met Devan, but she lives through our daughter, Audrey---she carries her name. We can never choose our families, but in this case, I would say the cards all played in my favor.

Thanks for stopping by.

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