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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Fear. Factor.

Okay, I will admit, I am not a huge risk taker at times. I guess, as I have gotten older, I recognize the dangers in riding a bicycle with no hands, walking into areas I know are not safe and am sure I could not fight off anyone who approached me, or cooking. I am kidding about cooking although many will tell you, I am good for only a few dishes and they are usually prepared in the microwave or on the grill.

We all have our individual fears---they can range from phobias to the usual fear that is generally accepted by many such as snakes, sharks, or hockey pucks flying into the stands. (I have been “fortunate” to encounter 2 of the 3, and I have seen a shark in the ocean before---but it was well off the shore.)

Probably my ultimate fear, besides illness, death or financial insecurity, is the thought of encountering a shark. Thanks to Steven Spielberg and his “terrifying” movie, Jaws, I still hear the thumping sounds when I venture into the ocean. Fortunately I don’t hear it when I go into a lake or local body of water, because if that was the case I would be going crazy.

Within the past year or so, affixed to the largest building in Chicago, a new attraction has made its presence. It’s called “The Skydeck Ledge.” For those who have a fear of walking outside of a hotel room on to your veranda, this baby is not for you.

Located 103 stories above ground, you step out on to a glass “box” with plenty of sky above and street level more than 1300 feet below. In other words, if you step on and it has a structural flaw, you are not going to have the opportunity to tell anyone about your news. You will be the news.

I am fortunate to have overcome a number of fears as I have gotten older. I used to be terrified of public speaking and now, I am one of the guys who love to present in front of groups---a few months ago I spoke at a “community meeting” regarding adding lights to a football field in the area where I live. I was not scheduled to speak, I just raised my hand. Part of me is still surprised I did it, but something very positive came out of it. A topic for another “Snap. Shot.”

The photo was taken at Willis Tower AKA the Sears Tower in Chicago. There are 4 extensions on the 103rd floor of the tower. I have to admit, before I took the first step, I looked down to make sure there was a floor; although it was glass, I took a very cautious first step. Fortunately I was not the news of the day. One funny event did happen that day; while I was taking photos I asked a group of teens if they would do something funny while they were on the ledge. If you look closely, you will see one of the guys is about 6 inches off the ground as he did jump up and down. Had the glass given way, I would have felt very bad, but I would have had one heck of a photo.

Thanks for stopping by.

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