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Friday, August 24, 2012


"Oh well I believe there are angels among us,
Sent down to us from somewhere up above.
They come to you and me in our darkest hours,
To show us how to live, to teach us how to give
To guide us with the light of love."

A while back, I wrote about Jennifer Mills, a local resident of Glen Ellyn who had passed away at a very young age. Whereas you may not remember that particular blog, I do. Jennifer was “discovered” by a friend of ours who was in from out of town. They went on a nighttime treasure hunt and with a flashlight saw something reflecting off of a limb of a small bush.

The reflection was one of a number of “fairies” that filled the branches---down below was a plaque letting anyone who encountered this bush know that Jennifer Mills was no longer alive. Next to the plaque was an angel with its head down; it was for sure the most moving tribute amongst the many that are located around the lake.

Last weekend, while we were down at the lake, we took my nephew to visit the bush that where Jennifer’s tribute now resides. But something was wrong. I was not able to find it; the fairies were gone---the angel no longer guarded her, it was just another bush---and only the plaque remained. I was sad; I was not sure if Jennifer no longer wanted this tribute, and elected to remove them on her own, or worse yet if someone had come along and taken them as a funny joke.

We live in very interesting times; it seems as if people sometimes, not always, feel they can make changes they think will either be funny or show they are in charge. It happens in our personal and professional lives; what’s unfortunate about their actions is they leave others wanting what had once been there. Whether it’s a secure job to help feed and maintain your family or a reminder of a special person---changes do happen. But when they are malicious and unneeded, they fall into a very different category.

I am looking for a similar statue that was once next to the plaque that honored the loss of a woman taken away too soon. I figure if I place it there, and it is removed by Jennifer, then it was her way of saying, “I don’t want this here.” If it remains, maybe those who took it will think about why it was there in the first place---and leave well enough alone.

The photo above is of the dedication to Jennifer before everything was removed. I a sure that somewhere this fallen angel is wanting to go back to the place where it belongs. Right next to young woman who loved angels.

Thanks for stopping by.

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