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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Good deeds.

My road of good intentions

Led where such roads always lead

No good deed

Goes unpunished!”

I think I live in an unrealistic world. For some reason I believe there is a lot of good in doing something good. But then, just when you think you have done what someone would appreciate, they can turn around and make you feel you have a lot of nerve doing it.

Wow. Awkward.

For those of you who know me personally, I assure you I am no saint. Not even close. But I do try and give back in some way if I can. Probably the most frequent way---I donate and give photos away. It’s really not a big deal, and it has never saved anyone’s life, but there are those who I believe  appreciate it. I mean, I have sold many of same photos so someone must see some value. Who knows?

If I give them a digital file, which most photographers would say, “Are you crazy?” I always ask that they not give it away, sell it, or do anything more than enjoy it. Their response…”Of course I won’t give it away or sell it.” I am not sure if it’s because they are so taken aback by my comment or they really don’t think it’s worth sharing.

I first heard the phrase, “No good deed goes unpunished about 4 years ago.” I am sure whomever is reading “Snap.Shot” is probably shaking their heads thinking…”what rock did this guy live under?” Obviously a large one that kept me sheltered.

Giving back is something we all need to consider; if it’s something that we can live without, why not give it to someone who can make more of it? I think in some respects that’s what “Craig’s List” is all about.

The photo above is of LeBron James when he played for the Cleveland Cavaliers; this was before he elected to “take his talents to South Beach” last year. I was at Hobby Lobby last night and a woman had noticed a photo I had taken of Derrick Rose. She said her son is a huge LeBron fan—can’t get enough of him. I said, “I have a photo of LeBron, but it’s when he was in Cleveland, would he like it?” You would have thought I had given her a million dollars. Actually more like $10.00.

Thanks for stopping by.

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