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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The road.

"The long and winding road
That leads to your door
Will never disappear
I've seen that road before
It always leads me here
Lead me to you door."

We all have roads we have ventured down in life; some have lead in the right direction, others have come to a complete dead end. We know when we get there either way, and we know when we need to make a U-turn.

This time of year is often a turning point in my life. The summer is in full swing and every day I make a full attempt to appreciate what the days have to offer. But then there are times when I reflect knowing in the near future there will be a change—one I am not looking forward to. I think to myself, "Don't  worry about the future (at least the near future) and focus on today." 

In our home right now we are preparing for the winding down of summer. I asked my daughter last night, "Do you like school?" She said, "I like the day before Christmas break and Halloween." I assured her there would be many of those days in her future as she is just entering the 4th grade; I also explained, it would be a good idea to like the days in between.

So far in my life, I have travelled down many roads. Some have worked out to be the path to much better things, and some turned out to be very the end, I have learned from these experiences. Whether it was love, work, or life and what it has brought forward, I try to build off them. I would love to say I never harbor bad memories, but that would be a lie. I am after all human.

No matter where we travel in life, there seems to be a direction we know in our hearts is the road to something better. Right now, and it happened in a conversation today in the office—-there are some bumpy roads I have heard about with people I either know well or casually know. Some our roads I have taken in the past, and some are pathways I never hope to travel; family dynamics will be changing, health issues have occurred  and/or a mix of storm clouds are either overhead or on the horizon. The one thing I do know, and this is from personal experience, above the clouds is always something better—as long as there is a gust of wind all will improve; time really does heal all wounds, and if you believe it, it just might happen.

The photo above was taken a few weeks ago when my family was out of town. If you have ever seen me shoot, you may have noticed I am not always standing. I sit, stand, climb and often lay down on the ground for a better angle—thankfully for this photograph I made sure I was not about to become road kill!

Thanks for stopping by.

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