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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Touched by an angel.

Last Saturday night I received an e-mail. Sure we all receive e-mails, but this was one that stopped me in my tracks.

I was in Milwaukee when I opened up my e-mail account on my phone,  and read a note from a former classmate of a young woman named “Jennifer Mills;” I had written about Jennifer in a blog I started this past January. I knew nothing about her except she had a memorial in a local park. All I knew was that she was 18 when she passed away, and there were angels and fairies in the tree where the plaque was placed. I even “Googled” her name to find out more about her death but came up empty. As I said at the time I wrote the blog, it’s really none of my business. I still feel that way.

The letter from this person read…

I was a friend of Jennifer (Jen) mills. She was a student at Glenbard West High School who died shortly after turning 18 and graduating from the high school back in 2004. While I was a friend, I did not find out about her death until the summer was over. I tried calling her home but her guardians believed me to be a prank caller trying to upset them. I remember being deeply hurt by the comments that they shouted at me for inquiring about Jen. While I do not know all of the details about her death I did know that she was cremated and had a small memorial though I have never been able to find it. Please if you would be so kind could you tell me where her memorial location is? I would greatly appreciate it since I have never been able to locate it or find a person who knew its location. I would truly be indebted for your assistance to be able to say goodbye to her”

As you might guess there were many emotions going through me at that moment; for some reason, watching the Bulls play the Milwaukee Bucks took a back seat. I sent a note back explaining I would get back to him as soon as I got home and went on with the rest of the evening.

I sent the note and he followed up to tell me there was no information as to what occurred with Jen but how grateful he was to know where the memorial now was located; if it wasn’t for my writing “Snap. Shot.” and thinking this was an amazing story of connecting with someone out there, it would have never have been brought up again.

The photo above is of the memorial for Jennifer Mills. What moved me most were the leaves gathered around the fallen fairy. It is just a moving tribute to someone I know nothing about.

Thanks for stopping by.

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