Throughout my 52 years of life, I have only spent summer in 2 locations---Chicago and St. Louis. Although both have the same number of days that make up this period of time called “summer,” you would be hard pressed to know both cities are only 300 miles apart---the difference between a St. Louis and Chicago summer is night and day.
We live for summer in Chicago; it’s the time of the year when the weather is not only much better than many other areas of the U.S., but is also the time when we say, “Yeah the weather is really nice here today” and people actually wish they were here to experience it. I think there is a belief we have snow year round; fortunately it melted about 3+ months ago. Although a short period of time, and we don’t say this in January, we are in the midst of some of the best weather of the year.
Then there’s St. Louis. Similar to Chicago, it has bodies of water near by, but not one has as much of a positive effect like Lake Michigan does. The rivers that make up Missouri, combined with warm weather being pushed up from the gulf, make for some truly miserable days. I am not sure how my parents, and my parent’s parents, made it without air conditioning; but I assume when you don’t have it, you have no idea what you are missing.
As a kid we would sweat through summer outside, and when we went inside---it was like stepping into a refrigerator. Maybe not good for your body, but it sure felt good when you were hit by the cold air. There was one time, and I don’t know how I remember this, but our air conditioner broke. When did it happen? In 1970 on the day of the MLB All-Star game; it was the game when Pete Rose crashed into the catcher, Ray Fosse. I remember it because I won the betting pool at my Dad’s office. One of the few times I have won anything.
Other memories of St. Louis summers include: The 4th of July, fresh corn on the cob (my Dad loves it), home grown tomatoes, and school being out. No matter what the weather, I could always find a smile knowing school was not going to be in session for 3 months. I look back now and think, “what did we do with our time?”
The photo above is a view of the “Arch” from directly underneath it. I have seen many photos taken of the Arch, but not many like this. With the clouds overhead, and windows on top to look out for miles, I really do miss the lazy days of summer; for some reason, I think if I were provided the opportunity to live it again, I would wish for the life I have now---however, I would like 364 days of summer. (One day for the holidays---if only for the kids.)
Thanks for stopping by.
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