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Saturday, January 23, 2021

Making an ass out of myself.


“But what a fool believes he sees

No wise man has the power to reason away

What seems to be,

Is always better than nothing.”

If I were to write about all of the foolish things I have done, every “Snap.Shot.” from now to the end of my life would be covered. I, for sure, have done some things where I have made a real “ass” out of myself.

If you are looking for stories, let’s start with a few.

When I was probably about 8 years old, I had yet to learn that being honest was not always needed. Yes, I try to be honest, but this was one time when not only did I make a fool of myself, but I think the police office probably went back and told everyone at the station.

The 4th of July has always been my favorite holiday, I will get into that another time, but one day we were shooting off fireworks and sure enough, a police officer comes down our street and takes our stash. After he had taken them, he asked “Do you boys have any other fireworks you’re not telling me about?” I looked at everyone, then back at the officer, and said, “I do, they’re in my house.” I ran and got them and felt very proud I was being honest. He took them and said, “I don’t want you boys doing this again” and drove off; I am sure he took the fireworks home and shot them off that night. 

To this day, my brother still gives me trouble.

Want more? 

I was going to a sales meeting, and one of my associates told the team how much I hated horseback riding. We were picked up at the airport, a full busload, and I thought we were heading to the hotel. Rumors started to travel around the bus that we were going to have an activity—-we were going horseback riding! We drove about 30 minutes, and the driver made an announcement that the stables were a few minutes away and “to make sure to put sunscreen and a hat on.” I could feel myself starting to perspire. 

We pulled up to the hotel and I looked around very confused. At that point everyone on the bus turned around and started laughing at me. I knew who was behind it, and he knew I knew. I laughed along, but when it was my turn a few months later, he never saw it coming and it was much better than what he did.

The photo above was taken in the middle of Nevada. In rural communities, burro’s roam freely in the former mining towns.  As we were driving, we saw burro’s from a distance walking right in the middle of the road. We slowed down, stopped, and suddenly we had a visitor. I am sure that night he went back and told his buddies… “some fool invited me to the window of his car.”

Thanks for stopping by,

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