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Sunday, January 3, 2021

Simpler times.


“Everybody wants to go to heaven

Have a mansion high above the clouds

Everybody want to go to heaven

But nobody want to go now.”

We can really never prepare for the day. You know the one, it’s when you are moving forward to what’s next. Who knows what that truly means, at least I don’t because I have never died. I intend to one day, but I don’t think it’s my choice so I will just live life to its fullest until then, 

What an uplifting thought, huh?

Both of my parents are gone, and when they did pass away, of course I wondered about what was next for them. If I was a betting man I would suspect they are not only together but watching their family and friends and providing a path for them as they look on. What a responsibility, but they were/are the kind of people who I would completely trust with this task.

Last year, boy that sounds good to say, was a year when many people lost loved ones. This is not a thought to bring you down, it’s one that might be a plan to have those who are left behind to carry on what was not finalized by those who have left us. I do believe there is something out there that helps us move through life. I don’t know what it is, but I do know there have been times when I thought all was lost, or I had no idea of the path, and suddenly things happened. Where and how did that happen?

As we make our way into the new year, and we begin to think about the path we will take, I am going to concentrate on living life to the fullest; I really believe someone is watching over myself and my family, I just hope they have good thoughts for making this one different than the last.

The photo above was taken in the fall. My wife had said there were some beautiful red and yellow leaves a few miles to the south of where we live. She had seen them that morning. I went to see them in the afternoon and they were nowhere to be seen; at least not in the way she described them. Why? The leaves faced east and when the sun was overhead, they faded. However, there was a farm nearby, and some of the coolest clouds overhead. I am not saying for sure, but perhaps someone wanted me to capture this incredible scene. All I can say is, “Thank you!”

Thanks for stopping by.

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