“I know that I surprised you comin' home
It's not my usual time of year
But I've got myself a problem
And I know that I might find the answer here
Remember when I was Dad's pride and joy
And your little man
Every time that I got hurt
You were there to give a hand
You'd pick me up and you'd kiss my hurt away
Remember what you'd say
‘Boy, you're gettin' more like him each and everyday.’"
There’s little doubt, when you live in our home it’s pretty easy to figure out who is the most important person who resides at our address---hint, it’s not me.
When there’s a scrape, bump or hurt heart, I am not the one who is turned to---it’s my wife Susan. She is the one who can understand what needs to be said right at that very moment. She can kiss the hurt away, and bring it all down to a manageable level where smiles return, tears dry up, and the yelling turns to small whispers. She is a Mom and she is good.
What she doesn’t always see, we do. She’s someone we all count on in our home; yet she doesn’t feel she always does the right thing. On a rare occasion this might be true, but she does have a lot of experience and she does know how to handle a lot of different situations---she is for sure the hardest working person I know.
Mom’s have to juggle and when it looks easy, you are witnessing a pro.
My Mom was always good at keeping things in order; sure there were times when she was challenged with very difficult situations, but she raised 3 kids who miss her like you cannot believe. Probably the memory I remember most was when I had my “heart hurt” by someone I really cared about; she didn’t even have to ask what happened, she read me like a book. What amazed me was how she knew what chapter to open to get me back on track again. Although it was a painful memory that still resides somewhere within me, I certainly recovered.
The photo above was taken at the Morton Arboretum recently; like many paths in life you see the stepping stones that take you on a journey of a lifetime. For us who know the path, it seems like very little changes---but for those who need someone to walk along side them, they are the most important steps you can take.
Thanks for stopping by.