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Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Day the Music Died.

“A long long time ago

I can still remember how that music used to make me smile

And I knew if I had my chance 

That I could make those people dance

And maybe they'd be happy for a while.”

For anyone under the age of 40 who reads “Snap. Shot.” you may or may not remember the iconic song by Don McLean, “American Pie.” This is a different “American Pie” than the movies that followed---this song was all about how America lost three individuals who set the tone for rock and roll music. (In other words it’s much more serious than the movies--however, McLean sold the name, "American Pie" to the studios who produced the movies.)

Normally I don’t discuss the lyrics of a song that start out “Snap. Shot.” but this song not only is one of my favorites of all time, but I remember where I was when I learned what it was all about.

In 1972, when the album was released, I had heard the song; it was when I went to my Aunt Shirley and Uncle Joe’s house that I was told by my cousin Allan, that it dealt with the crash of an airplane outside of Clear Lake, Iowa that took the lives of Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and J.P. Richardson, also known as “the Big Bopper.” Although I didn’t know who these three individuals were at the time, it was the album cover with Don McLean giving a thumbs-up that was etched upon my mind. Allan had just purchased the album---it was so cool.

I love music lyrics. There is little doubt when I hear ones that I can actually understand (I don’t get hip-hop) they can touch a chord deep within me and become part of my life. I can say this about other songs, but none like “American Pie.” When I was in college, I would actually call up the local radio station, where I knew the DJ (he lived in our dorm), and would ask him to play it. I did this almost every day. Yes, I have issues.

Music, for me, and I know for others, conjures up memories of another day; maybe it has to do with where you first heard a song, someone you were with that was very special or a loss that only words in a song can explain. It’s funny how a few lines of poetry can have such impact.

The photo above was taken at a beach a few years ago; just like the lyrics of a song, the right ones leave a memorable impression. If they are just words, with no meaning, a moment from now they will be washed away and forgotten.

Thanks for stopping by.

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