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Monday, May 3, 2010

Not again.

This past weekend some very horrible memories were brought forward that I was hoping we would not have to discuss again. In the middle of a crowded area of New York City a parked car had one objective--to kill innocent people. It’s still hard to believe that it’s been almost 10 years since September 11, 2001, I am very happy May 1, 2010 was not the new date we would all be referring to for years to come.

As is the case with most of us, we could never see doing the type of harm a bomb in New York City would do, or Atlanta, Oklahoma City, or any other city in the U.S. or around the world. Normal functioning people do not think this way. But there are people who have no respect for the human life and are trying to prove a point; there are many easier ways to accomplish this feat, I guess they don’t necessarily agree.

Having recently spent two days in New York, I know exactly the area where that car was parked. I have been there during the day, the night and the one consistency is the number of people who are in the area at all times of the day. You have to keep in mind not only is this a congested work area, but it’s also the theater district. There’s a reason they call New York the city that never sleeps and this is one area where the lights are always on.

What’s difficult for me to understand is why someone would feel this was the way to make their point. I know this is not a profound thought, but for someone to think they are really making a difference except the killing of an innocent person just boggles my mind; I am sure the majority if not all of the readers of “Snap. Shot.” feel this same way. I sure hope.

The photo above is of the cranes located at Ground Zero; they have yet to begin building the World Trade Center structures, but other buildings are beginning their rise from the ashes. We don’t need to be reminded of the horrific day we experienced in 2001, but if we are going to, it’s important stop the destruction before it happens. They will catch this guy I would not want to be in his shoes.

Thanks for stopping by.

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