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Tuesday, July 19, 2011


As I sit here looking out through the windows in my home, one of two things are happening: It’s really foggy outside or the windows are completely filled with condensation due to the difference in temperature inside versus outside. Actually it’s both but the second option is right.

It has been quite a while, but the heat has hit the Midwest and it has it hard with temperatures supposed to hit 95 degrees. But as many of us know, it’s not always the heat---it’s the humidity that creates the misery.

Having grown up in one of the worst climates I have encountered, I was blessed to live through “St. Louis summers.”  I still remember playing baseball in the blazing sun, where we went 0-15 my first year; as we stood in the outfield for 2+ hours waiting for that third out to finally happen (this was before sanity hit and a team could only be out for a limited time) some of my teammates would literally keel over. I always saw this as something good thing for them as they got to return to bench for water---I suspect the parents thought differently as their kid was on the ground.

Many people are talking about the heat here and its understandable…we just don’t have this type of weather often. The usual temperature for this time of year is in the low 80s with moderate humidity. If you are ever considering a visit to the “Windy City,” now through fall is the time to come. It is spectacular---except for this week. (But then again---if you are used to this weather, it’s like being at home.)

This morning, while I am walking to the office, I will see people in a variety of clothing options; you will have women in very light outfits and men in everything from business suits to shorts. There was a time, not that long ago, when suits were it. There was really no other choice. I still can’t believe the number of years I wore suit on some of the hottest days imaginable.  Whereas the heat is unbearable at this time, I can assure you come January we will remember these days in a very fond way.

The photo above is the ultimate heat. This past weekend, about 10 or so houses down, a garage caught on fire. Now, this is going to sound morbid, but I have longed to shoot a fire; not the kind found in a fireplace the real ones. Sunday I was outside doing lawn work and I heard sirens---not that uncommon---but I knew something was up when I looked to sky and saw thick, black smoke pouring upward. I grabbed my camera and ran---my neighbor was kind enough to say he had never seen me run so fast---and started clicking away. If you think the pictures were all for me, I am happy to report they were turned over the insurance company---I felt a little of the heat was taken off me as I am sure some people thought it was insensitive. I saw it as a hopeful once in a lifetime event.

Thanks for stopping by.

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