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Monday, January 4, 2010


We live in a busy world. But for some reason after a break in the action, we realize how this crazy world takes it out of us.

I am not sure if I am alone, but after the holidays or a vacation, I have to re-start my engines a few days before getting back into the action. Failure to do so means I am lost for at least 2 days and that just doesn’t work well in the business world. As we start the workweek again we recall about where we have been, and what we have done over the holidays, and quickly it becomes a distant memory---scary to think in some cases it was all less than 24 hours ago.

A New Year’s resolution was not included in my thinking on December 31; but that’s okay, I am going to set one on January 4th instead. I am not sure I am going to be able to actually live up to it, but I am going to give it my best shot. For 2010, I am going to work hard, but I am also going to “stop and smell the roses” more than I am accustomed to doing. That might be trying a new food that in the past I would never have allowed to cross my lips, spending more quality time with the kids, or something I have not even figured out yet. But I know if I concentrate on bringing this into my mode of thinking…it’s a first step. An important one

I was talking with a business associate today and he was telling myself and another guy in the office about his trip to South America. He said to both of us, “you really should try to go down there.” He went for 21 days. I looked at both of them and said, “It helps that you are single because this doesn’t happen in real life when you have family commitments.” But as I made the comment I thought, “maybe one day” and meant it. I do believe I will have the opportunity to travel to new and different locations and would very much like to spend time shooting pictures wherever I go. I will not go alone I assure you that as my wife is a better photographer than I am.

I never ask for a feedback in Snap. Shot, but if you do have a resolution you have made, I would like to hear about it.

The photo above is of my wife in front of an exhibit at the Smithsonian Institution; it’s a display of the United States and a montage of video clips from around the regions and states. Honestly, it’s confusing to look at up close, but when you step back and take a good look, it’s very easy to understand why a break in our lives is something we all need at one time or another.

Thanks for stopping by.

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