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Monday, April 5, 2010

Gimme the dirt.

It’s the time of year we wait for, yet in some ways we dread. When springtime hits, the world comes back to life; plants come out of hiding, temperatures soar above freezing, and people venture out of their homes to discover that life is not over as thought---it’s springtime.

With all of this wonderment, the mud comes with it. Just look at our kid’s shoes and our dog’s paws. Only one can be left at the door and not tracked in to the house---dogs must stop and have their paws cleaned.

Even with the mud, I love springtime. It does bring about the feeling of hope, new adventures, and photo opportunities. Okay, so maybe photo opp’s are not the most commonly thought of part of spring---but tell me how many times you’ve taken pictures of flowers or the buds on the trees and shown people. I haven’t, but I know other people who have taken their fair share.

Spring also brings out another type of dirt that creates a lot of interest in people. It’s called “gossip, the poop, dirty laundry” and this year it’s in abundance. Think about Tiger Woods, Jesse James (Sandra Bullock’s husband), or countless other celebrities; I know there is local dirt, but since I am not often kept in the loop, or wish to be involved, I know more about celebrities than the individuals who live nearby. The one thing about anyone who has dirt on them, remember they are all human and they have judgment strewn all over them. It’s not fun to be in that kind of limelight---but sometimes bad judgment brings about bad publicity. (They do say that any type of publicity is better than none at all.)

Today all over the Internet was the news about Tiger Woods first interview prior to the start of the Master’s Tournament. After the number of times he has said, “I am really sorry,” I have to believe he cannot wait to get this first tournament past him. Unfortunately the dirt is going to stay for a while because in the sports world (and real world) this was a big deal. Unless he wins and then it will likely go to the back burner. (He did say he had 5 stitches in his mouth after the accident he had last Thanksgiving---I guess a 5 iron can do that.) Just kidding.

The photo above was taken this past weekend at the St. Louis Zoo. A Rhino was rolling around in the mud and was happy as could be. I think they enjoy it because it cools them off---I actually have no idea. I can say for sure, when they are finished with their mud bath, they need a real one.

Thanks for stopping by.

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