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Saturday, April 10, 2010


We all have them, sometimes we wish we could change them, but they do make up who we are and where we have been. Our family trees, which have many deep roots associated with them, is what “Snap.Shot” is all about. Looking for that nugget that tells a story---the one you are not concerned about the world knowing (the world of probably 10 readers that is) and feeling good about it.

This weekend I am back home where I grew up; I am spending the weekend in the home where I was raised, in the bedroom I lived in for a large majority of my life---I actually lived in 2 bedrooms in the house---when my brother went to college, I took over his larger bedroom. He never asked for it back and it’s a good thing because it was now mine. I remember one time I was so mad when I learned, by measuring it, that indeed his bedroom was larger---a little story from our family’s roots.

The roots of our family started out in the Ukraine; I really don’t know too much before that time, but I do know my Dad’s parents settled in Monroe, Iowa (where my Dad was born) and my Mom’s parents, St. Louis, MO. We had a family reunion a number of years ago and that’s when I learned about the background of my Dad’s family. I really don’t know too much about my Mom’s family I am sorry to say. I do know my grandmother’s side had very tall men, I picked up that gene, and many died at a young age, I hope I don’t pick up that trait. (They died from heart attacks and other natural causes of what I am told---I didn’t really know them.)

There is something very interesting about uncovering your roots. The other day I learned of a new show that was on one of the networks. It is about tracing your family roots; Lisa Kudrow, who was on the show, “Friends”, hosts it, I believe. The show takes some well-known athletes and celebrities back in time, to uncover their roots. On that show, Brooke Shields, Emmett Smith, and Lisa Kudrow, were taken on this incredible journey. It was very interesting and in the typical TV manner, engaging to watch. From slavery, to royalty, to the horrors of Nazism, it was all there. Mouths were open, tears flowed, and emotions were completely exposed.

The photo above was taken in downtown St. Louis; what I liked about it was the exposed roots of the tree. Little was hidden, there was a story to tell---I am sure some of these tree roots were around when St. Louis was a much different place, I wish I knew. I am sure my family has some stories I don’t know about---maybe this might be my next venture after “Snap. Shot.” is completed. For now, I will keep looking for the photo that tells a story---and as always…

Thanks for stopping by.

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