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Monday, April 26, 2010

That’s my spot.

Life is funny; we will often say we want to do things differently, yet when it comes to every day life, we do the same thing over and over again. Whether it’s the path I take to work, the train seat I sit in, or the lunch I eat---the way I live my life, well I guess I am one boring guy. The good news is, I know I live amongst people who are just like me. How do I know? Because I see the same people walking the same path, sitting in the same seats, and I am going to go way out on a limb but assume they might repeat their lunches during the week.

All I can hope is they change their clothes.

Some of these routines and habits come from being superstitious---if you break the cycle, you may suffer the consequences. I recently watched a movie, “The Street Stops Here,” and the coach of the best high school basketball team in history, admits he sweeps the floor before each game. His first reason is because he believes he can sweep it better than anyone else, and the second…because he is superstitious. At last count he has won more than 900 games, so I guess it’s working. I for one would take the risk and let someone else do it, but I am not a basketball coach.

It seems the world of sports has the most examples of players, and coaches, being superstitious; a basketball player will step to the free-throw line, bounce the ball 4 times, spin it 3 revolutions, and then bounce two more times. Swish…works almost every time. There are baseball pitchers who wear the same shirt under their jersey, football players who wrap their ankles and other parts of their bodies the exact same way, and hockey players who must touch the goalie’s pads with their stick--- this happens every game. Fail to do it as it was done the game before and the outcome can be disastrous.

The photo above was taken in New York City. You will find people sleeping on the street, on park benches and in bus shelters. I would have to assume when you have no other options in life, it becomes your home. What I found interesting about this picture was the man who was looking at this woman; I don’t believe he sleeps on this bench, I believe it was more of a look as to how normal she appeared to be. Perhaps it’s a habit for this woman to sleep in this bus shelter, perhaps it’s the start of something new; whatever the situation, it’s likely, just like this woman, we will all follow our habits until there is a reason to break them. Today, I am having the same sandwich, but I am 100% sure, I'm going to try a new variety of soup!

Thanks for stopping by.

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