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Saturday, April 3, 2010

A right of passage.

When we are growing up, there is the fear that when your parents go out they might never come back. A babysitter comes to your house and you think, “Why is she here?” I don’t want Mom and Dad to leave and then the crying and tantrum starts.

But then something funny happens. You as a parent come home and sure enough the crying has stopped, the nightlight is on in the darkened room, and there is light breathing coming from your child’s bed. All is safe and you as a parent got the night off. Yes it cost you $9.00 per hour, no taxes of course for the sitter, but it was worth the $50 to $60 for the break. (Plus the cost of whatever you did…okay, it was worth the $150.00 for the evening.)

I was not much of a baby sitter when I was young. In fact I think I only did it one time if I recall---and that was enough for me. I believe I made either .25 or .50 per hour. Can you believe that? I probably maxed out for the afternoon at $1.50. That doesn’t even buy you a soda or coffee at times. Yet I got to deal with that headache. I knew my babysitting career was over and I wasn’t going to do it again---or at least I thought. Now I do it for free as I am the Dad.

Two of our daughters have hit the babysitting age. One is on the outside in the age area and one is smack dab in the middle of being the right demographic. She is really good with kids, not always her sisters, but she is good with kids. Our older one is excellent with other people’s children and we have been told she is just an angel to have as a sitter. I have to sit back and think to myself, “Are we talking about the same child?” Oh, it must be the money that motivates her. I should have thought even though we give her money to spend, but that doesn’t count and we do see a different side of her angelic personality at times. A much different side.

The photo above was taken tonight; it’s of my two youngest daughters watching the movie, “Home Alone.” They loved the movie--- it was the amount of giggling coming from the room that confirmed it. What I find amazing about this “right of passage” is when you are finally old enough to stay home alone, you don’t want to be alone. You want as many people around as possible. Yes they might be your friends---and let’s face it a party is a great way to spend time when Mom and Dad are out.

Thanks for stopping by.

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