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Tuesday, April 27, 2010


This is the time of the year they say when hearts all a flutter and love blooms. This is also the time of the year when you work out to make sure when you venture out, that the love that has bloomed is not embarrassed by the body that has ballooned.

I would have to believe there is no other time in the year, except New Year’s, when people become obsessed about their appearance. The phrase, “Swimsuit Season” is one that causes panic in people. It can be a situation where when at the pool, beach, or park, the clothes get skimpy, and the problems begin. What could be worse? Age. As you get older, more of “you” wants to stay around---I know that’s my case. I have become buddies with more of my mid-section than I want to, and it seems to want to stick around.

That’s why I joined a workout facility near my office. Now, let’s be honest, when you have not worked out for more than you want to admit, it’s not like you are going to be forgiven for your laziness. I can assure you with the way I feel today, my body is not very happy with being put through the exercises it has encountered since joining. It’s really not happy---especially my mid-section.

What’s most intimidating about going to the gym is when you size your arms up with the guys next to you. For me it’s like the difference between twigs and trunks---you don’t have to be a psychic to guess which ones I have. But that’s okay, I am there trying to make myself better. I guess.

Putting all aside, when the sparks do fly, and you meet that special someone, or you just re-visit the sparks that brought you and your partner together, it’s a wonderful feeling. Just like spring, life starts up again---after a long winter---I love this time of the year.

The photo above is a couple friend---unfortunately since this picture was taken, love has lost out to reality; but the cool thing, when they saw the photo, it was one they wanted to hang in their apartment. At that point in time, love was in the air, sparks were flying and they were happy. I am sure both will find the sparks again, but in a different relationship; for me, the sparks are alive, but so is my enlarged body---one of them will have to go.

Thanks for stopping by.

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