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Thursday, December 3, 2020


“Gimme head with hair

Long beautiful hair

Shining, gleaming,

Streaming, flaxen, waxen.”

Even though I have much less of it than I had a few years back, my hair still grows. I found out the hard way this past spring when I could not have imagined finding someone to cut your hair would be so difficult. I got a freebee from my wife—and she did an incredible job. At first I thought I would let it grow, as well stop shaving until I had to, but then I began to realize Zoom calls were going to be a problem. 

Hair is very personal. When I look back on my teens, I wonder how I could have let it grow the way it did. I remember parting it down the middle and spending more time than needed to make it look “just right.” These days I would say however long it takes to comb from one side to the other is about the time I spend “doin’ the doo.”

In our current household, and when others return to visit, we have a ton of hair back in the confines of our home. It pretty much comes from the word, “female” and many of them to boot. I always find it interesting when I put on one of MY sweatshirts and there is a long hair on the sleeve or neckline. Although it’s clean, it does comes with an attachment—-and most times, it’s really long!

These days hair is in every color imaginable. I know blue, pink and purple are not the natural colors…oops, sorry to ruin it for you…but for some reason, and I have only done it once maybe twice, I ask, “Is that your natural color?” Let’s just say the look I receive tells me it’s not. I’ve also said to people who sport a mohawk, “I used to have one of those.” One guy actually believed me and asked me why I didn’t still have it? I just shrugged and said, “That’s a good question!”

Here in Illinois, we are still able to get our hair cut, but I suspect if all does not go well with the pandemic, I will once again be asking my wife for a trim. She really is quite good at it, and as long as I am nice I will likely not get a buzz cut.

The photo above was taken in Maine a number of years ago. I am not sure what breed of horses these are, but for sure their hair gets in their eyes. Based upon how they looked at me as I approached, I know they weren’t looking for a trim…more likely hoping I had food.

Thanks for stopping by.

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