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Tuesday, December 1, 2020

It's for you.

“Operator, well could you help me place this call?

Well, I can't read the number that you just gave me,

There's something in my eyes, you know it happens every time,

I think about a love that I thought would save me.”

If you have been alive the past 335 days, not counting today since it’s not over, 2020 will be one for the record books. You will find it listed under, “please get this over with, because we’re done dealing with it.”

We certainly must have had some high moments during the year, but for sure we’ve had many low ones; but then again, if you are able to read this, life isn’t too bad. Many are no longer with us and that’s as bad as it gets.

Okay, let’s lift the mood.

A little more than 10 years ago, I concluded my daily blog, “Snap.Shot.” after writing every day for one entire year. Whereas I was truly ready to end it, in the back of my mind I thought about changing my plans. Since then, I have not been able to get the drive back….but…I am going to try again. 

If you want come along, please do. Hopefully you will find something to read when you click, but if you don’t want to read it, that’s absolutely fine. There were several readers who would tell me, “I am not into sports and I pass on those days.” I appreciated their feedback even though it was often just the photo that was sports related and not what was written below it.

This year has been a time when I’ve been able to get back in touch with photography. It seems, except for sports, I really had not been taking as many pictures as I had once done over the past few years. One year, I calculated I took I took over 300,000 pictures—thankfully we’re in the digital age!

So, if you’re up for it, I will be writing every day until November 30, 2021. I am really hoping I will have enough to write about. I guess we’ll see.

The photo above was taken many years ago at the National Museum of American History in Washington, DC. I went back to the museum a couple of years ago and it was either moved or now had a new home. This picture was in a previous “Snap. Shot”—it was when I wrote about calling my Mom when she was in the hospital battling cancer. Cancer won—that was 11 years ago.

To me, this phone reminds  me of the need to “reach out and touch” a lost friend or family member—-unlike this phone, there is no cord that needs to be stretched from one room to another and long distance….that’s long past.

See you tomorrow.

Thanks for stopping by.

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