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Friday, December 4, 2009

Friday night lights.

Often times I will ask friends at work “what they did this past weekend?” I often hear how they went out with friends, drinking, and other activities in the city. I have often thought, “how come I sound so boring?” trying to rub off the big “L” off my forehead.

There is something I have thought about over time. When do people who party at night do their chores? I mean does food just show up in their refrigerator? Does the house clean itself? When do they do laundry? Now please keep in mind I don’t think about this often, but I have thought about it when I hear their encounters from the night before.

I remember when I was in college and we had to do our laundry. We often times would wait until Sunday night, but there were not enough washers at times to get it all done. So there would be that one individual or two who would do it on a Friday or Saturday night. When this was the case, and there was a real need to have clean clothes, I would do what a lot of guys do. Turn the underwear inside out. (Hey, it’s almost as good as new at that point.)

The photo above was taken in Chicago last Friday night. My family had tickets to a play but not enough for one of us to attend. I volunteered to do something else. I decided to take some photos. What I liked about this photo was how the guy was just doing what he needed to do…his laundry. He must know by the lack of people in the laundry mat (there were no others) that everyone was out having fun. But like many of us, he had something to do—his laundry for example.

Tonight is Friday and I know the likelihood of my doing laundry is slim to none. As I watch my wife read to our two youngest daughters, I know we would be perceived as very suburban and boring. As far as I’m concerned, I will do my laundry in the morning .

Thanks for stopping by.

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