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Sunday, July 25, 2010

The bumpy ride home.

Last night I flew from Oakland, CA to Chicago, IL. (For you airport fanatics that would be OAK to MDW.) I flew SWA and arrived at 9:50 CST.

Yesterday in Chicago we had a lot of rain; more than we probably have had all summer all wrapped up into one day. We had a total of 7 inches---if it had been 50 degrees-plus cooler, we would have had a mere 7 feet of snow. Can you imagine?

Now, typically storms move from West to East and I am sure this one was no different than any other storm, however there was some type of system out West that was making our plane feel like a roller coaster. The good news---no one got sick. The better news, I was so engrossed in a book I barely noticed it. I will not tell you what book, but it was a trashy novel. That’s okay, that’s why they call them plane books. This one fit the bill.

I have been on airplanes where it was like riding on glass. Not all the time of course, and different times of the year have better or worse weather; but for sure a summer storm can toss around an airplane like it’s made of paper. That’s what we had last night. We went up, down, side to side, and other directions and we didn’t even have to pay more for the ride. The best part---there were kids behind us and they made it sound like it was an amusement park ride. I am not sure if all of the adults appreciated it, but it was kind of funny to hear.

When we got off the plane many people were thanking the pilot for getting us down to the ground; I had to smile, as I knew he wanted to be down as badly as any of us did, but he politely said, “You’re welcome.” When we landed, and while I was driving home, I found out what caused this bumpy ride---there was thunder, lightening and rain waiting for me from the airport to my front door.

The photo above had nothing to do with the bumpy ride home, however I suspect it was thunderheads like this that created a lot of the bounce. Planes have come a long way from Wilbur and Orville’s venture in Kitty Hawk, NC. Fortunately we didn’t end up there, that would have been way out of the way.

Thanks for stopping by.

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