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Friday, July 16, 2010

The search.

Sometimes we search for things that we know we are not likely to find. It might be a physical loss, a feeling you can never seem to bring back, or something that have always been searching for but have never been able to locate. A long lost love, friend, or even a parent you have never met.

For many people it seems they are always in search of a better life; a chance to do something that is different than what they have been given in life. The saying the “grass is not always greener on the other side can be very true” but there are times where it can be a bit greener than what you have—but don’t count on it.

This week I was in New York and Atlanta---two different cities but with many similarities. We are in tough economic times---millions are unemployed and it seems everyone is working harder and faster, but for many, they continue to search for what will make them better; it’s very sad because for most they have a long search ahead.

Like everyone, I continue to search for what will present a better opportunity for my family; sure, more money would help pay some bills, but what I really want to bring to them is something they will really appreciate. What would I like to give, I am still searching for---I don’t have the answer.

The photo above is one I vowed never to show, but I have to. Last weekend, we went blueberry picking. One of the girls who came with us, accidently through away all of her money away when she tossed out her trash. She threw away $65.00. That’s a lot of blueberries! So, on the way back---some 4 hours later---we stopped to look for the money. My wife and kids went out back with an employee to look for the money. I am sorry to say, “they still have found what they’re looking for.” I wonder if the employees did when we left.

Thanks for stopping by.

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