“A little ditty, 'bout Jack & Diane -
Two american kids growin' up in the heart land.
Jacky gonna be a football star
Diane's debutante in back seat of Jacky's car.”
When you are a Dad, you see things differently; when your children are primarily female, it takes on an even more challenging role. I know. Honest.
As I am now witnessing another daughter starting to date, the reality of it all comes flowing back. A new boy in our home, a little girl letting me know, “it’s none of my business”---and the fun of trying to set the boundaries that seem to be ignored. That is until they need to be roped in because they are not the adults they think they are at this time. I know that one really well too. Tough guy? Hardly. I just know what it’s like to be a boy---and that’s information I find very helpful.
With one daughter in college, and one out on her own, I have to realize they are able to make decisions that they have learned from experience. I am not sure if it is from an experience I have taught them, or their Mom, but I do know that all in all I am very fortunate to have what I have. They are “making it” away from home; and whereas you can never forget they are away from the nest, I hope they always know their way back.
Although we are supposed to get snow today---a lot---I know summer is on the horizon and the worrying and uncertainty of what’s going on will start once more. Oh boy, can’t wait.
Recently I wrote about going to the Daddy/Daughter dance in our town---it seems like it was a short while ago that our older daughters were with me at events like this. Now they would laugh if I even suggested being seen with them; well they would go out to dinner, but to an event or something where we would be “seen”..umm…no way. I don’t blame them. (And I feel weird too.) When my oldest daughter turned 21, she invited me to join in at a bar she had been going to for several years—yes, you know where I am headed with that statement---and to say it was weird being amongst hundreds of other 20 something’s would be an understatement.
The photo above was taken in the fall; one of our daughters needed to take a photo based upon the story of the pied piper. Her boyfriend (I think they are on break now) said he would dress for the role. I have to admit, it took guts but he did it. Why? Because he knew he had to or it would be me in that goofy costume. I was glad he understood that women have a way of letting you know what you are going to do.
Thanks for stopping by.
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