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Monday, February 13, 2012

Where do broken hearts go?

Where do broken hearts go
Can they find their way home
Back to the open arms
Of a love that's waiting there.

And if somebody loves you
Won't they always love you
I look in your eyes
And I know that you still care, for me.”

Chances are someone reading today’s “Snap. Shot.” has had what is known as a “broken heart.” It might be a situation where a loved one has left, someone you cherished has told you, you are no longer cherished, or perhaps the loss of someone special you didn’t even know.

I have experienced a broken heart. It has happened a couple of times but I am happy to report time has faded the memory. That is, until that song, movie or special situation takes that moment from the back of my head and brings it to the front.  More than likely it was an old girlfriend, but there have also been times when someone I really admired comes into my thoughts.

I remember when Sam Walton, Walmart’s founder, was scheduled to be at a local grand opening a number of years ago. I was ready to meet him. I had read the autobiographies about him---one was unauthorized where they normally spill all the dirt, and the other was written by someone he felt could tell his story---his way. I remember thinking---these two books are almost identical. The only dirt on Sam was his desire to win; he was a believer in the good of those who he worked with and he showed it by having morning cheer sessions to get people ready for the day and took care of those he belived in.

Of course there are other times when my heart has been broken---probably the most significant was when my Mother passed away a couple of years ago. It was something I had really never encountered and I felt a huge loss. It wasn’t instant, it took time to really take hold---I am not sure if this is normal, but for me, it’s how it happened.

There are other times when my heart was dented and partially split; it might be some of the girls I dated in high school. I made decisions that were not always mature (I know a guy being immature is hard to fathom) but when I look back, these were times when I learned about emotions, love, and life. In my life, this was a big learning curve.

So where do broken hearts go?

I think for many of us they go deep within us and live until they are called up again. I think it’s okay as these are the components of life that have made me, well…me.

The photo above was taken a few months ago. I think it sets the tone for today’s “Snap.Shot.” After we come into this world, we learn and experience so much after the 9 months spent inside the most comforting place we know; the place we know, as adults, we can never return to as we venture through life.

RIP Whitney.

Thanks for stopping by

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