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Tuesday, February 2, 2010


For the vast majority of us, we all come into this world being greeted by Mom’s, Dad’s sister’s, brother’s and other family members. Of course this is not a 100% guarantee as there are children who enter their lives without being as fortunate as I was. They may not have a Dad, brother, sister, or even a Mother they will know for more than just a few hours---hopefully they find their ways into much better situations. Most times when placed in this situation, they do.

When I was growing up, like many other kids I didn’t really understand the true meaning of family. Sure we ate together, and laughed a lot, but until you are really able to step back and take the “panoramic” view at what’s staring back at you, it doesn’t always come into full focus. I have learned so much about family this past year; not like I needed a re-fresher course, but when you are placed in as many situations that involve the family, it either opens your eyes or forces you to keep them shut. Mine are open wide.

If you have read “Snap.Shot.” for any period of time I have been pretty transparent about what has happened in our family---some of it has been wonderful, some has been more challenging. But through it all we have remained a family.

Today’s blog is not about my family, it’s about some that have touched my family’s life and are about to encounter some rough waters. I don’t know if it is the age or the lifestyle change, but we know a number of families that are entering a period of change--- the words of divorce are in the air. I know first hand how difficult the days ahead are; no matter how exciting it appears to be as the word “freedom” is on your mind, for those who are doing it, get ready for rough times. The good thing, there will be better times ahead for both individuals, however tt’s the kids you have to worry about--- they will be left searching for a reason. The reason? It’s not about them, it’s all about the parents. They did nothing wrong. Period.

My son and daughter, and my wife’s two daughters, will forever be scarred in some respect because their parents are now living away from the home they knew and cherished. It’s not like high school when breaking up is the norm. I just hope all my kids find that person they can never live without and stay happily married to forever. It’s not easy to do, but it can be done. My parents did it---and my parent’s parents did it.

It’s too easy today to walk away from forever…it’s too hard to stay when you know there is a different life waiting for you out there. That’s the hard part of life. I know that as black and white as it appears, there is a lot of grey.

For those who we know who will be ending their marriages, we hope they “reach out” to those who know the pain they will go through---there will be pain, trust me. Many of us have been through it and we are here to help. Call us when you need us, we are the shoulder, ear and friend you will need during this trying period.

The photo above was taken outside Surrey Place in St. Louis, MO. There were many family members not present in the picture---they were not in it because they were not in town that day or just not at Surrey Place that particular day. The one person who will always live in my heart is the one who was inside the building fighting for her life---the one responsible for bringing me into this world. The other person is sitting on the right-hand side---for nearly 60 years they shared an unbreakable love. How cool is that?

Thanks for stopping by.

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