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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Genetic makeup.

We have what is referred to as a blended family. Although certainly part of our culture as more people bring children from one relationship to another, it would have been pretty much unheard of in my parent's generation.

I know of many families where it works very well and others where it's a nightmare. In our family it works well, but we do have our moments of struggle. A lot has to do, my opinion, with the gender of our children as 5 out of the 6 happen to be female (I am sure I would be writing the same sentence if the situation were in reverse). But part of it has to do with the challenges of blending two families---not easy, plenty of work, and drama. All in all, I am very proud of the job my wife and I have done---I do hope our kids feel the same way.

What's interesting about blending two families are the similarities at times between children who have different parents; one of our daughters is the spittin' image of one of our older daughters (same Mom different Dads) and two of our daughters have similar personalities, this time different Moms and/or Dads. It has been a real learning experience; I know at the end, when we are empty nesters, we will look back and know we did our best. (We have plenty of time to figure this out as we have a wide spread in ages between the oldest and youngest.)

When we had our first child together our smaller family at the time did something I never thought of---3 of the 4 children were in the delivery room to welcome our new addition. For the second child we had the same children plus my sister in law and a friend of ours taking pictures. Although a very crowded delivery room---a wonderful experience.

As number 6 entered the world, something became obvious---she had dark hair, was not fair skinned---and people said she looked like me! I actually have genes that can be passed on to others. As it turns out she is a total blend of my wife and I; she may not look like my wife, but she has many of her characteristics. (Thankfully the good ones.)

The photo above was taken the day before our youngest was born. My wife thought it would be fun for everyone to wear the same shoes in the delivery room---a perfect sign of how our family had blended together. My wife was the only one who didn't wear the black Converse---for obvious reasons. When we all were in the delivery room, it was obvious we were a family---one that stands together through it all, because blended or not, that's what a family is all about.

Thanks for stopping by.

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