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Monday, October 19, 2009

It happens every year.

Give or take a week, every year at this time Mother Nature always feels like showing off. I am glad she does!

This year, and I am not sure if it's the amount of rain we have had, or cool weather, she has shown up later than usual; the good news is she brought all of her best colors with her. Red, orange and golden leaves flanked against bright blue skies and white clouds---it makes you want to take a picture or two or maybe a hundred.

When the leaves turn, it's with mixed emotions; the colors make you feel alive, yet you know they are not going to be around for long and that's the end of the season. Next stop winter.

Since I am in advertising, I appreciate the written word---very much. Whether it's on paper, part of a radio commercial, or in the background of beautiful scene on your TV screen. If you live near Michigan, you may have heard their advertisements on radio or seen them on TV. Tim Allen (yes that Tim Allen) is a native of Detroit and does what is called "voice over." He is fantastic. But as good as he is at making you want to listen to his soothing voice, it's the written words that make these ads so wonderful.

Here are some of the words from Michigan's "Fall Colors" advertisement:

"It begins with a slow dance of turning leaves. And crescendos into a flurry of vibrant reds, oranges and yellows. When the 19 million acre woods explode in their annual blaze of glory, the colors of pure Michigan." Want to hear more? Just click on the link's worth it.

They may have the worst economy in the U.S. but their commercials make you want to get into your car and drive there.

The photo above was taken yesterday. The skies were deep blue, the clouds bright white and the colors were shouting out of the trees, "please take my picture." I did. I took more than one and less than 500. (I am not telling.)

Thanks for stopping by.

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