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Friday, October 16, 2009

This dog is no angel.

Last year at this time we purchased 2 puppies from a local breeder---Cash and Carter. They are brothers and both Boxers.

It all started with constant begging on behalf of our now 12 year old daughter. It ranged from "I will get up with them every day and walk them to you will never have to do anything with them. They are MY dogs." Right.

Zoom ahead one year and the landscape has changed. Carter is now living with some friends of ours---as he proved to be too much for our household. Turns out, Carter has a gene (thanks to his Dad) that makes him very aggressive toward children. Major Problem. So that leaves "Cash" residing at our home.

Now many of you are thinking, perhaps, that "Cash and Carter" stand for the late Johnny Cash and June Carter---at least my family did. But, we are talking about 2 male (former males if you know what I mean) dogs and what do Johnny and June have to do with "Boxers" anyway?

The truth is, at least as I see it, they are named after 2 boxers: Rubin Hurricane Carter and "Cash"us Clay. (AKA Mohammed Ali.)

If you have a dog, or want one, then you know there are differing opinions here. One is, "Why did I ever get a dog?" The other is, "I wonder if I should get a dog?" The final decision is up to you...I know how I would vote.

Cash is actually a good dog; he is big and he loves our family like a dog should---especially when your life consists of being fed, chewing bones, going outside to do your number, and being petted. How hard is that?

But this dog is also no angel. He has chewed up two or three bicycle seats, thinks the couch has his name on it, and wants to go out or come in or go back out to the backyard multiple times an hour. He drives me crazy;I think he knows he does this by the way. When we brought Cash and Carter home from the breeder they weighed about 10 pounds each. That was a long time ago as Cash now clocks in at over 80 pounds. He eats like we did in our fraternity---with the fear that if we don't choke it down, it might be taken away. Like we would ever want any of his food? He does want ours however.

The photo above is an illusion. One of the hula hoops our girls use was behind Cash and I thought, "you know from this angle, it looks like it is floating over his head. " I promise you it's an illusion. What I like about the photo is how he is lifting his head---you would think he knows something we don't know. He doesn't. Guaranteed.

If you are thinking about getting a dog, re-read the part about his chewing, couch and outdoor habits---it will be an easy decision on your part.

Thanks for stopping by.

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