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Thursday, October 22, 2009

The snap shot.

It usually starts with holding a camera, not placing your fingers over the lens, and pushing the button. Voila, your first photo.

For some a snap shot is enough to get them through life, for others it's the beginning of a hobby and perhaps a career. Whether it's a picture of an exit sign, water pitcher or someone taking a picture of you taking a picture, it's fun. You think you have taken the next iconic photo and you realize when you look at the photo, or in the olden days, received the photo back from the processing center, that there was a ways to go. But it has to start somewhere.

For me, the bug began when my Dad went overseas to Japan and returned with a camera that would be considered, "spy like." It was narrow and could almost fit in the palm of your hand. It was just cool and I showed it off with pride. The photos? Well they were really not very good, but it was a start.

Yesterday two things happened regarding photography; both were important. In one situation, a co-worker asked me to explain how her camera worked. It's a point and shoot and she really wants to learn. How flattered I am being asked about how to help her take a better picture. The second situation was one that stunned me. Turns out we had two guests in the office yesterday; they were both from Sports Illustrated. I knew one fairly well, and was an acquaintance of the other. The one who knows me said, "You have got to see this guy's photos." They both have links to sports photos----so who knows? I may have to end this blog early as I promised if I made it into Sports Illustrated I will have reached my goal. Secret---I was kidding. I am not going to stop taking photos and I am not stopping snap shot.

The photo above is a perfect example of a snap shot. It's of my daughter and her first hit. Unfortunately she didn't get to see it, but the camera did. These are the moments we all want to capture. They are spontaneous, they are treasures, they are what keeps me going as a photographer.

Thanks for stopping by.

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