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Thursday, October 1, 2009

The whole world's watching.

Okay, a bit dramatic, but certainly the world of Chicago will be watching. Tomorrow (or possibly today, or a few weeks ago, based upon when you are reading this) is the day they announce who will host the 2016 Summer Olympics. It has divided the city, however the division line has many more people wanting it than those who are concerned about the financial and congestion repercussions. I can certainly understand the financial side, but Chicago has congestion, has always had congestion, and like a bad cold it doesn't seem to go away. Consider the Olympics our version of the swine flu---they'll find a cure for it.

One thing about Chicago is it's truly a beautiful city on a beautiful day. On the days that aren't very nice, it's a big city that is BIG and really difficult to deal with. Just throw in some moisture and there goes the day. Luckily our summers are the best season of all. Our weather is usually in the 80s (not this year however) and the amount of sunshine is usually pretty consistent. For those who are worried about gangsters such as Al Capone or John Dillinger ruining things, they're dead.

I took this picture this morning. Normally most of the photos you will see on Snap Shot were taken well in advance. But this is what photography is all about---capturing the moment when it presents the right opportunity. The Picasso Sculpture in Chicago is often used to highlight local events and today it honored where I want to be in 2016---the summer Olympic games.
This city has truly been marketing itself as a real candidate to be the host city and I hope we get it! (Because if we do, I am going to be taking pictures!)

We will learn on 10-2-09 where the 2016 Summer Olympics will be held; if it's up to me, they will be here in the City of Broad Shoulders---my kind of town, Chicago.

Thanks for stopping by.

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