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Sunday, October 11, 2009

What gives?

We all give. In many different ways. Some people volunteer their time, some mentor junior associates in their work place, some give money to those who are in need. Whatever we do, it does make you feel good when you do it. Yesterday, when we experienced our first dosage of cold air of the post-summer season, men and women were on the streets collecting for the Lion's Club.

I always feel guilty (figures) when I don't feel I have enough money to give. Yesterday proved to be no different. We pulled up to a stop sign, rolled down the window, and out came the usual..."I am sorry I don't have more to give." He smiled and said, "It's been really slow today, thank you." He then proceeded to give us extra candy as two of my daughters were in the back seat. (Hmm...wonder if he is a dentist and is trying to find new customers??) Just kidding.

A long time ago, and I know it has been quite a while because this man has been deceased for more than 20 years, my boss and I were walking back to the office after a call. A man came up and explained he was recently released from jail and was trying to get his life back. I was leery. My boss was not.

Now what you don't know about my old boss is he was frugal. When we went on the road, we stayed in cheap hotels; when we went to dinner, we ate like kings. His belief, a bed is a bed, but you need to eat well. I have never forgotten his way of thinking. So, this man explains his situation and my boss pulls out a $20.00 bill and gives it to him. This man had the same reaction I had. It was between "you have got to be kidding to thank you so much." His reaction was priceless and one that is etched in my memory.

Since that day I have given to people who I really believed needed the money. From a man at O'Hare who was trying to get his wife and daughter home to a nearby suburb to a homeless man right before Christmas----and many deserving people in between. My only thinking, especially with the man trying to get to a nearby suburb was, "if you're not telling the truth, you deal with the repercussions." I still feel good when I give.

The homeless guy was probably the funniest one. I gave him a $20.00 and his shock said it all. It was his religious wishes upon me that made me smile and want to get out of there. He was telling religious figure, who is not part of my religious belief, to watch over me. I could hear him a block away... and this was in downtown Chicago!

The photo above is one taken in a border town in Mexico. My youngest daughter gave a women some money; in border towns it's hard to fake poverty---what we have in the states is immense
compared to what they have. One of our other daughters, and this was at a different time, saved up all of her money and gave it to a woman in the same town. For this woman it was probably more than she had in a month. I know it made my daughter feel very good. I was proud.

This is a tough time of the year in the north; as it gets cold and we are warm inside, it's important to remember those who are truly in need. It feels good to give---and the looks on their faces are worth much more than what you give.

Thanks for stopping by.

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