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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

American Idol.

I have a confession. I watch American Idol. As a family we gather around the TV and we sit down, watch and guess how Randy, Ellen, Kara and Simon are going to praise or humiliate the contestants. This year Randy has become a lot tougher, Kara more humane, and Simon well…you know Simon. (Ellen is very funny---I have no idea of her musical knowledge, but she does add some color to the show.) Oh, one more thing---I have never voted and doubt I will.

One of the reasons we enjoy American Idol is because we all know the guts it takes to pursue your dream in front of millions of people. Sure when the try outs are going on there are thousands who know they stand little, if no chance, of getting any further than the exit gate. They don’t even make it in front of the four judges. But then you get those who are really good. In my book they are all winners---they have a much better voice than I do. Guaranteed. For those who think it’s a joke, they are good for a laugh and they do add something to the show. (Although the 60-year-old man who sang, “Pants on the floor,” he did something that doesn’t happen often---he started a trend.)

I have never been in a real talent contest. I have entered contests for photography, won one, but that’s about it. By the way, the prize I won, I was taxed on it this year. Remember that when you enter contests---the IRS wants a piece of your good fortune!

Yesterday I spoke with a man who I am hopeful to do business with in the near future. He works for a major cable network, you would know it, and writes, produces, and directs some of the programming. I was not familiar with who he was, since he inquired about our company, so when I “Googled” his name, he more than popped up. He had 20+ articles written about him and had won many awards. We had a fun conversation, and like I said, I am hoping to do business with him in the near future. I will let you know.

Developing a show like American Idol is not easy; but when it works, and it captures America’s hearts, the money that is made is insurmountable. If you have a chance to look back at some of the old American Idol seasons, you will be shocked as to how far it has come. From a simple stage with hand written numbers on the contestant’s chests to the Hollywood production we have today. Fox knows when it has a hit and they take advantage of it in a big way.

The photo above was taken at a recent cheerleading event I sat through. It was 4 hours of limited cheering, bad jokes from the M.C., and worse yet, food that was overpriced and not very good. Check that---it was horrible. If you look at the bottom of the photo you will see the judges---or at least some of them---who determine who wins and who doesn’t. In some of the divisions there were 11 teams---the girls (sprinkled with a few boys) tried as hard as they could but someone had to be team number 11. In the end, some of the teams excelled, and others, well they walked off knowing they did their best. All in all, everyone is a winner because they gave it their all. That’s what every season of American Idol is all about; doing your very best and knowing the entire time there’s always tomorrow just in case Simon is one of the judges.

Thanks for stopping by.

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