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Sunday, March 14, 2010

A dog and his ball.

Having a dog has been a real experience in our household. Yes he is a good dog, and he is well taken care of, but there are times when “Cash” really gets in the way. It might be when he knows his dinner or breakfast is coming and he has only one thing on his mind…the meal. It doesn’t matter if you are in his way, he will go right past you. At nearly 80 pounds and very solid, you know when you are in the way and he has even pushed me over at times.

Like any dog, Cash likes to play ball. With slobber wrapped around every inch of it, for some reason he thinks we should be very interested in picking it up and tossing it around for him. It lasts as long as he wants to play—when you try to stop, he lets you know he is not ready to end the fun. If you have ever played with a Boxer, you know why they call the breed by that name. They will come up to you and literally straight arm (or in his case straight paw) you to get your attention. By the way, it works.

Tonight Cash and I were playing outside as I was barbecuing. It is one of his new favorite games. He likes to push me and when I push back he starts to growl; he knows not to take it any further than a growl since I feed him, so there is no way he will bite me. We then start to get rough with one another---I always stop because he is that strong and he wears me out. With all of the girls in our household, he must miss the male bonding time---I guess we are close. Considering I flat out did not want a dog, he has gotten the best of me. Darn.

In the next few weeks, Cash will be reunited with his brother Carter for a few days. We bought both dogs almost two years ago, but Carter proved to be too rough for our kids. He has a gene in his body that is very aggressive. I was very relieved when we found a new home for him---two dogs were too many for our household.

The photo above is Cash with his beloved tennis ball. Although relatively new at the time of the picture, that ball is long gone. With slobber and dirt all over it, there is little that makes Cash happier---unless it is a bully stick. For those of you who know what it is, it’s hard to imagine how they could possible eat one. For those of you who do not know what it is, it’s your choice as to whether you want to look it up on line. You won’t believe it when you read what it is.

Thanks for stopping by.

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