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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Full house.

In the community where we live, the concept of a family of four does not exist. You will find families of five, six, seven and more, but what was at one point known as “zero population growth” avoided our town. I am okay with that especially when you ride a bike down our street and see all of the kids playing in their yards. There is one problem however, there seems to be an over abundance of girls. Just on our street alone it is probably 80% female. What is in the water??

I am not too concerned about our population not being able to continue due to one dominant sex, there are other streets in the neighborhood that have an over abundance of boys; you can always tell the homes with boys as they are likely to have a basketball hoop, with a ball nearby and guy things all over the front lawn. Then there is our house where you will find pink bikes, Barbie dolls, and chalk on the sidewalk.

When you step into our home you for sure feel that this home is lived in. Rooms have pictures, photographs, drawings and of course coloring sheets for Mom and Dad. There is no shortage of visual reminders that there are people living here and it’s very obvious what gender they are. Some of our daughters have animals on their walls, you’ll find pictures of friends/boyfriends in other rooms, and our two youngest have a hodge podge of stuff. No better way to explain it. What’s really amazing is the two oldest ones wear the same size clothes and the thought of one finding out about another wearing the other person’s clothing creates a very, what you would call, loud atmosphere. It’s funny because our oldest daughter borrows my wife’s clothing and my sweatshirts---but that doesn’t count.

But in the end, we are a family; two of the six no longer live in the house as they are either out of college and/or about to be. It’s okay, we have plenty of action happening.

The photo above was taken the day before our youngest daughter was born. My wife had a great idea. Everyone in the delivery room, except our 2-year old who was not there but still had her own pair of shoes, should wear the same black Converse All-Stars. As we walked into the delivery room there was little doubt we were a family; the only people not wearing these shoes? My wife and our new born daughter(even the doctor had a pair) ---one day we’ll have to buy them each a pair.

Thanks for stopping by.

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