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Thursday, August 26, 2010


Unless you have been living under a rock, and for some it works, our former Governor is in a lot of trouble. Yes he was only convicted on one count out of 24, you can be sure the next go around he will likely not be as lucky.

Last night we learned his legal team had called it a day. He paid them $2.4 million dollars for their services, and now there is no more money in the kitty. So, unless he comes up with a dynamic team working pro bono, he will likely get a junior who just graduated from law school. Yes it works in John Grisham novels, but not usually in the real world.

The state of Illinois has been blessed with a lot of corrupt Governor’s. In fact we are 2 for 2 for the last ones who held the office. George Ryan is nestled up in jail near Terre Haute, IN. Have you been there? I mean the town, not the penitentiary? I have.

There is nothing wrong with the town---hey Larry Bird played basketball there---but the town has an odor that permeates. I don’t know what it is, but it really does smell. It would be only fitting if Blago joined Ryano there.

It’s hard to believe we elected and re-elected these men; in the case of Blagojevich, he ran on cleaning up government in the state----I have a feeling when he is on work duty he will be cleaning up other messes. But who knows.

The photo above reminded me of Blago. This duck had feathers perched on his head. It is part of the breed. When he turned to look at me I thought, wow this is a “Snap.Shot.” photo. When he was trying to save his job, this photo would have been appropriate. Once he was arrested, he was a sitting duck.

Thanks for stopping by.

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