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Sunday, August 22, 2010

The nest.

Last night we went to a friend of ours 50th birthday party---we were late arriving because we also were having our annual block party on our street. We are not that popular, both just coincided with one another.

What was interesting to hear were the number of comments about how they are preparing to be “empty nesters” either once their kids go back to school or in just a couple of years. I did the math and thought---we have more than a decade until we will be making these claims. A decade. Now for some families it is tough because for so many years they have experienced a full house and the noise and buzz is the norm. I understand, because for the last 26 years this has been my life. I am just fine with it.

There is little doubt kids bring a lot to making a house a home and making you laugh and smile. They also help you worry---like when you wonder where they are when it’s late at night, why they have a fever and what that could mean, and why their friends are excluding them? We do experience a lot of emotions through our kids---it’s just part of being a parent.

I do believe, and to all you Dads out there don’t stop reading, “Snap. Shot.,” that the Mom really takes the brunt of the worrying at times. At least in our household. Our girls confide, whine, and show very deep love to my wife. It’s not that they don’t love me, it’s just part of our household. I am just fine with that---I hear about it anyway, I am just one step removed. Some things I really don’t want to hear about but often do just the same. I am sure you can figure it out.

Are we ready to be empty nesters? My answer really doesn’t matter of course, but there is something very nice about seeing your children get older. I know in our case they are still quite young, but in many respects they are growing up so fast---riding bikes, having sleepovers, and being kids. We have a full nest, but over time it will be seeing it’s members fly off to experience new and different worlds.

The photo above was taken in Las Vegas earlier this year. When I saw the photo mural in the background, and these guys walking around with illuminated signs featuring “baby chicks,” I knew there was a story. And as the story goes, when it’s time to leave the roost, you know you are always welcome for a visit back to the coop.

Thanks for stopping by.

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