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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Reflections of a ““Snap. Shot.”

During the past 12 months I have learned a lot; I have learned about photography, people who I have photographed, making a commitment, and not being afraid to put my words out on the internet. Most important I have learned about life. I am not sure how many people have actually read, “Snap. Shot.” but even if I had been the only reader it was worth it.

It’s been a hell of a year to say the least, and this has been a personal adventure I will never forget and was not sure I would complete.

I am going to reflect on some of the areas where I have learned, so if this is going to bore you, of which I hope it won’t, please skip to the bottom. As I have pretty much done from day #2, I will say, “thanks for stopping by” and you can go off and enjoy the weekend. But please stay, I am hoping these last few entries will bring you full circle of what this adventure has brought to me and hopefully you as well.

When I started “Snap. Shot.” I had no idea where it was going to go. The entire idea was based upon the movie, “Julie and Julia”---a chick flick that I had no intention on seeing. I am glad I did. No, I really didn’t like it, but I thought it was an interesting, contemporary movie. If you go back to the first day you will notice a couple of things---there was not a picture and I didn’t close it with “Thanks for stopping by.” I did however make a challenge to Sports Illustrated Magazine. If they wanted this daily rambling to stop, all it took was one photo shoot---on the field, anywhere, and “Snap. Shot.” would be history. Obviously, they never contacted me. Part of me is happy, part of me was really up for the challenge of shooting pictures with the best of the best, but part of me knew it would never happen. (Yes as I have mentioned before, I really do know people at Sports Illustrated---shows you there is no favoritism!)

What has this past year taught me?

I have learned about life---it’s lows of being unemployed, the highs of being in love, and the fear of illness, plus a lot more. During the past year, my Mother passed away, my youngest daughter gave us the scare of our life back in early January, and we had 365 days of living not always knowing what the next day would bring to us.

I have learned about passion---the passion of every day life, family and remaining 100% in love with a hobby that has added such depth to who I am---photography (and writing.) The best part of both is it provides me with opportunity to tell those who mean so much to me how I really feel about them—from my family to friends, to the love of my life, my wife Susan.

I have learned about commitment and responsibility---“Snap. Shot.” is and was my “youngest child” for the past 12 months. I have seen it grow from an unfocused idea, to one I am really proud to have taken on, to one I am sending off to be on its own.

During the next few “Snap. Shot’s.” I will work to relive some of what I felt were the best entries---if I have missed some, let me know about it. I would love to know your opinions.

The photo above was taken in Washington D.C. a few years back. I felt it was really fitting for today’s, “Snap. Shot.” as it supports what this crazy “blog” has been all about---looking back and reflecting on life and the names of very special people who allowed me to make this an incredible journey.

Thanks for stopping by.

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