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Sunday, September 20, 2009

A beat to a different drum.

I am an Apple guy. Yes, one of those guys. But there is a very simple reason I am, it was the first computer I ever ever used. Some could say I don't like change, some could say why don't you change?

Because I liked being a little different.

When Apple launched their "Think Different" campaign in 1997, most people didn't identify with it. But I did. I knew using an Apple was like being a left-handed person at a table where everyone else was right handed. It was okay to be a little bit different. If you recall the campaign, which I would assume many of you will not, they used words like, "here's to the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers. The round pegs in square holes." If you know me at all, I probably would not fit the description of many of these adjectives, but I think when we look deep into ourselves, we really want to be. I want to be. Maybe I am different.

I have been fortunate to meet a lot of people in my life. Some were just your average Jane's or Joe's and some were Dylan's or Devan's. There was a distinct difference in both sets. Some would try to be who they were not, but in the end they fell into the mold they were most comfortable being. I have a very good friend who was anything but an average Joe. If he is reading this, he will know who he is. His name by the way would be seen as closer to a "Joe" than a "Dylan," however there is an interesting bit of irony there.

What was different about him? When our friends were going right he wanted to go left. When we were trying to figure out what we should be doing during a weekend, he would come up with the craziest ideas. We did them. We still talk about them today.

Probably the craziest thing he ever did was become my friend. I was conservative, not real outgoing, and would often times follow the crowd. I was 15. Thankfully a lot has changed since then. Although I probably still do have some of the labels following me around, I do believe this person allowed me to "Think Different." For that I thank him and I am truly glad he remains my friend!

The photo above was taken at the Gay Parade in Chicago. Yes, you read that correctly. I attended the parade with my wife and kids. We had a blast. It was exactly what I didn't think it was going to be. It was a small segment of Chicago coming together to express who they really are, and for me that's cool. Yes we saw some things that were a bit shocking, but I was stepping into their world, not vice versa. A big part of me was glad my kids had come to hang out where not being afraid to be expressive is the norm---to live a life that's so different than the community we live in opens their eyes. I suspect there were very few people from our neighborhood at the parade---but we were.

But, even the guy in the photo turned heads. A parade was going by and when everyone one was watching the floats with men who were at best were 5 percent clothed, this guy was off in his world. Jammin' to the music that filled his head. He may not have even realized there were thousands of people just inches away from him. But to him, he was doing what he wanted to do. Okay, this may not be something I would do, but it was fun to imagine what he was thinking about. Isn't that what makes a photograph something you want to spend time with? Come back and revisit? Or cause you to "Think Different"? It does for me.

I am going to close today's blog with a quote from the "Think Different" Apple advertisement; by the way, Richard Dreyfus was the voice over so try to imagine him saying this, "And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do." I like being a little bit different.

Thanks for stopping by...

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