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Monday, September 7, 2009

I am ready for summer.

"Nobody on the road
Nobody on the beach
I feel it in the air
The summer's out of reach
Empty lake, empty streets
The sun goes down alone
I'm drivin' by your house
Though I know you're not at home"

Labor Day is a tough holiday for me. It signifies the end of my favorite season. Summer. Here in the upper Midwest we wait a long time for summer to arrive and as soon as it gets here, it zooms by. By October, winter is waiting in the wings to return and bring misery to our city. If you read the weather forecast there are predictions for an El Nino---bring on the mild winter! If you read the Old Farmer's Almanac, it's going to be a bad one. I really hope The Almanac is wrong this year.

Don Henley's "Boys of Summer," the song above, brings about mixed emotions; it makes me reflect on summer, the joys of the season and what it brings along with it. It might be a new friend, a new love, and/or the feeling of life is just darn good. I love Summer. But if you ask me, it goes too fast.

The photo above was one I nearly missed. It happened like this. On Friday's I like to walk down to Millennium Park in Downtown Chicago with my camera. If you have been there, you know it's a major draw to the lower side of Michigan Avenue. Because of the crowds in the park during this time of the year, I nearly took a different route avoiding the fountains to head down to the boat slips that are on the east side of Lake Shore Drive. That day, I heard the usual shrieks of joy as I approached the fountain area with children and adults running around. It was then that I then saw the pile of shoes. I thought, this is a picture! But how do I do it? I decided to try and get everything to be clear; from the shoes to the fountains and everything in between. There is really only one way to do this---make sure you know what F- stop to use. I was not sure.

Being in a suit and tie, I knew my options were limited. I could squat down and shoot the picture from a higher level or I could lay down and really capture the moment. Needless to say I took the second option. I snapped about 12 pictures, got up, and went to see if I had in fact "got the shot." One picture was good, the other 11 were not. I went back to take some more, I mean my suit was already dirty so why not, and the shoes were gone. It had been no more than 3 minutes. For me, I was lucky as I love this photo. I love it because it showcases summer---the time of the year that makes me feel good.

As we approach the end of summer I often like to think back and reflect on what made this summer different from other summers. Was it the lack of warm weather? My Mom being in the hospital? Searching for a job? and/or Spending much more time with my family? Whatever I hold in my memory about the summer of 2009, I will always be thankful I had the time to take pictures. I love to take pictures.

Summer will be returning in a little more than 270 days. As far as I am concerned, I can't wait.

Enjoy your holiday and thanks for stopping by.

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