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Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Little things.

Sometimes the little things are a lot bigger than we think. Recently I have begun to work with a guy who does "voice overs" for commercials. (He also did an "app," how cool is that?) This guy has a voice; the kind of voice that's really easy to listen to and one that you hear quite often on the radio but have no idea who he is or what he looks like. He does voice over work after all.

His name is Bill Cochran and he lives in Chicago. If you live in the market you know his voice; it's on a lot of commercials that you hear on the radio. It's when you meet Bill that you have to do a double take. He looks nothing like his voice sounds. I was expecting short hair, barrel chested, and a "radio look." (For those of you who know what that means, you understand; for those of you who don't, there's a reason they are on the radio and not TV.) Bill looks like a rock star. Seriously. He has long hair, is tall, and could easily pass for someone in college. I know how long he has been in the business and it's been a while since he has been in college. The cool thing is, he's not the kind of guy who tries to look young, just to look young---his look on life fits the person who he is. I really enjoy working with him.

The other day after we had a client meeting, Bill did something I was not expecting, he opened up to me and vice-versa. I won't go into details of our conversation, but what shocked me was, this guy is big time--and well known-- and I am not. I was really honored I got to know him. We have talked a couple of other times and I am really hoping we will work together---he has a talent, I believe I have one, and together I think we can do what we both want. Build a business relationship together.

I have titled this blog "The Little Things" because there are times when we see something as "big" when actually it's just one of life's little moments. Call it life's optical illusion. The photo above has been one that has received a lot of comments from people who I know. They look at it and see something that's very much a "little thing"'s a picture of my daughter taken through the opening of a drainage pipe. It's a pretty simple picture and even though I have always liked it, I have not understood the reaction it has received. I like it because no matter how often I look at it, it reminds me that no matter how large the opening, it's the little things that make the difference.

I guess Bill will be surprised by this blog but he has left an impression on me. A very positive one.

Thanks for stopping by and meeting Bill.

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