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Saturday, September 12, 2009

Just for today you can be 6 years old again.

I have a secret. In our household my wife and I are the Tooth Fairy, Santa, Chanukah Harry and the Easter Bunny. Sure it was fun when we were young and believed, but it is much more fun when you know the truth and become these "wanted guests."

The most difficult part about being the Tooth Fairy is remembering to remove the letter and tooth and then replacing it with the money that is expected to be there when they wake. This last tooth was removed at 5:02 AM when I awoke, with a start, and thought "OMG did we do it??" I was not sure if my co-Tooth Fairy had taken care of the task, but if worse came to worse, there would be more of a reward for that little tiny tooth. I was the lone Tooth Fairy for this last tooth. When I was growing up a dime or quarter was found waiting under my pillow the next morning. Today, I have heard of 5's, 10's and even 20's being gently slipped under their pillows. Inflation.

Growing up seems to be a lot tougher these days in comparison with when I was a boy growing up in St. Louis. We didn't have as many distractions back then; my Mom didn't work (not until I was well into school), I spent a lot of my time with my friends playing street hockey, baseball, or football and we collected and actually traded baseball, football and Beatles' cards. They were a "buck a box" back then---today I think you get a third of a pack for a dollar.

You might be asking where these cards are today? In a landfill as my Mom figured I would have little or no interest in them once I discovered girls.

Unlike most of the photos so far in the blog "Snap Shot," this picture is a set up. But still a capture of a very important moment for our family. The note to the Tooth Fairy is often lost in the clutter---I want to make sure it is digitized forever. (Oh, by the way, if you look closely at the tip of the bobby pin, there it is!)

I still have one from my son written nearly 20 years ago; he seemed to be a little more "green focused" back then as he asked the "Tooth Fairy to take care of the Earth." I was really proud he made this request-- however he also asked for money. I guess somethings never change. Maybe this was his way to get more money by kissing up to the Tooth Fairy. I don't recall if it worked or not.

If you are a Mom, Dad, Grandparent, Aunt or Uncle---then you know how excited kids get when they start having gaping holes in their mouths. My favorite is when they lose their 2 front teeth. I call this the "straw look" as a straw fits right between their two eye teeth. (We are entering that phase as one of the front teeth is loose and the other can't be far behind!)

Today's blog is our secret; if you know my younger daughters please don't spoil it for them. If you know my older daughters or my son, and they don't know the truth yet, feel free to burst their bubble!

Enjoy your weekend and thanks for stopping by.

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