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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

You know it's fall when these guys arrive.

It's almost like an alarm goes off and there they are. Those pesky bees that for some reason love to find the right time to make their presence known. For me, and I have no idea why, they love to hang around our local train station when you are heading into the city for a day in the office. It's not as if there is a lot of food left around or a bee bar (if there such a thing---nahhh) but when you are waiting for the train to go into town, they are there with you. Just doing what they do best...bugging you. And yes, they have taken the train into town before. That's actually fun to watch. The reactions from people who are trying to sleep, read or better yet talk on the phone. (The talking on the phone is the topic of a future blog so I won't get into that right now.)

My son still hates bees and it has been more than 20 years since he was stung at a local arboretum while running around. You would have thought he had lost a limb or broken something by his response---but in some respects this was worse as he gained a fear of bees. It has always been with him and likely always will be.

It has been a number of years since I have been stung, but I have to admit when it happens, it really does hurt! I think to a child it's much more traumatic unless of course you are allergic to bee stings and then it really doesn't matter how old you are!

When I took the above picture I was a little concerned if taking this picture would result in a bee sting. There was an entire field of sunflowers about 20 miles from our home and when I saw them I thought---"you just don't see this every day." So, I pulled over and walked into the field. I guess I didn't realize the amount of mud these plants require for growth but it was worth it. The shoes did not survive, but the photo did! I took a number of pictures that day with bees swirling around. I saw this one bee sitting on one of the largest plants and wondered if, unlike its brothers and sister bees, it would sit still for a long enough time for me to take a picture. It actually did. But not for long.
When you are out in a sunflower field it's actually hard to leave. You keep telling yourself, "okay that's enough" and then you take one more look and see another opportunity and take more. That happens to me often. It doesn't really bother me...but I know it really ticks off my family. Probably one of the reasons I like to shoot pictures by myself. (Tough to do when you are taking family photos however.)

So if this picture evoked memories of darting bees and bee stings, I am sorry. But it is much better to have it in print than have a bee making you miserable.

Enjoy your day and like always, thanks for stopping by.

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