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Monday, September 14, 2009

On June 20, 1975 my life changed.

For many of you June 25, 1975 means little or nothing. Especially if you were not alive. But I was. In fact, I had a date that night. We went to a movie theater on Olive Street Road in St. Louis, it was torn down years ago to make room for a big theater, to see a movie that had come out that night.

We went to see the movie, "Jaws."

I had seen the previews on TV and thought it looked like a fun movie. I was wrong. It scared me and still bothers me to this day. If it were not for my date holding my "sweaty" hand I think I would have left the theater; but I am glad I didn't because when we were leaving, I found a $5.00 bill on the ground. (Paid for the date!)

The remaining Jaws series of films never lived up to the original but I would not know. I never saw them and don't plan on seeing them!

Now 34 years later I still do not like going into the ocean; I have been at max probably chest deep but will get out as soon as it gets murky. And I'll be darned if I don't start hearing the Jaws theme sound when I am in the water---somethings just stick with you for life. What makes this traumatic experience even worse is, at one point I wanted to be an ichthyologist; for those of you who have no idea what one is, I will save you the time in looking it up. It's a fish biologist. My father laughed much harder than you probably did.

The photo above was taken at Shedd Aquarium in Chicago. It was really cold outside when I took this---that's why no one is around because few were crazy enough to go an aquarium during the week in January---and I just loved how the light was shining down into the tank.

I felt fairly safe as I took this picture as I was 15 feet away from the glass which I believe is nearly 3 feet thick. But as secure as I felt, I still knew where the exit was located just in case I needed a quick escape. Like I had a chance to get away from several hundred thousand gallons of water, and sharks, if the glass were to have broken. I have such guts, huh?

Fish and aquariums have always been part of my life. It started when I was young and up until this winter I had aquariums for most of my 51 years. I am over them as I just don't have time to take care of the mess and spend time looking at fish. My brother on the other hand has kept on the tradition---I won't discuss it here as I don't want to discuss a future blog. You won't believe that blog when I write it.

For those of you who have been reading Snap Shot on a regular basis thank you; for those who are new, welcome and thanks for stopping by.

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