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Friday, September 4, 2009

We all have our favorites.

I like to shoot animals. I mean photograph them. Sorry for the confusion.

Brookfield Zoo, located outside of Chicago, is a really great zoo. If you go during times when no intelligent human being would think of going to Brookfield, you can get much better photos. At least I think so. Not many people feel like going when there is snow on the ground, colder than you can remember and want to walk outside. (I have issues.)

Turns out during these cold days, the giraffes are much smarter than the lions, tigers and bears. They are housed inside.

About 2 years ago, a baby giraffe was born at the zoo. I was unaware of the birth as I never got the announcement! Like Mom's with their children, giraffes apparently like to get close to their young and show their feelings.

It took a while, but I kept watching the Mom giraffe go over to the baby and make sure it was okay. (I think it is a boy but does it really matter?) There is a photo of an adult giraffe leaning over and kissing the baby giraffe that is famous. I was hopeful but then realized, this does not happen often.

I kept guard and was waiting for the Mom to go over to the little one. I had literally one shot, in bad lighting, to get this done. I had about as much confidence in my getting it as I do in fixing cars---that would be zero. I guess I got lucky. But isn't that a lot of what photography is all about? Luck.

Anyway, Mom went over to check on the kid, and she leaned over and closed her eyes. I shot, looked at the screen---it's digital and thought---did I get it? Turned out I didn't. As luck would have it, and this was a lucky day, she must have felt my disappointment and did it again. I got it this time. It was and is my favorite shot to date. It shows emotion and captures a moment. That to me is what photography is all about.

I will be showing more pictures over time. You can be sure...many will be bad. Enjoy the laugh.

Have a good weekend and thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. Mark- Saw your note on FB and wanted you to know that I am reading your blog!
    And I love this picture- so cute and heartwarming!

    Christine (Staley) Corr
