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Thursday, September 3, 2009

The one that got away.

Well we're on day #2. Not sure if anyone was reading this on day #1, but if so, thanks for coming along.

I was not really too sure what to write today, but I do believe the title on this blog is very appropriate. "The one that got away."

I was flying back from Minneapolis a couple of years ago. It was winter, I had been there on business (it was like -39) and as we were getting ready to touch down at O'Hare in Chicago, we quickly pulled up and took off again. First thought was. There was a plane on the runway and I am fine with pulling up and trying again when that is the case.

A moment later the pilot came on the intercom and explained that no there was not a plane on the runway, or he had not landed at the wrong airport, it was that he was not sure the landing gear was down. No biggie, it was only a 737. Turns out the light in the cockpit was indicating a problem and he was going to see if the next try would be more successful. It was not. So we took off again.

Whereas some people were crying, I sat there and thought..."wow this will make a good story when I get back to the office." If I get back to the office that is. Right in back of me, it turns out, there was a pilot from American heading back to his home. They call it "dead heading or something like that." Always wondered why they use terms like that, "the terminal" etc.

I had seen him behind me and I asked if he thought we would land. I actually thought it was a good question...he assured me we would. A moment later he called over the flight attendant and explained that he flies these particular jets frequently and if the pilot needed help, just ask.
(You still with me? Did you leave yet?)

Not more than 45 seconds later, as people were still sniffling and wondering if this would be their last frigid winter, the flight attendant came back and said, "Yes the pilot would like to talk with you." This was getting interesting.

He went to the cockpit door, and get this....THEY OPENED IT! (This was well past 911 so you know it was a big deal.)

So let's get to the story....

Apparently, and I had no idea this was the case, there is a hole in the middle of the plane. Not for it to go to the bathroom or anything like that, but a hole that lies right below the carpeting. They had to de-pressurize the plane to open up the hole. Here's the shot I missed.

The pilot and a flight attendant were both on their knees looking into the hole---apparently you can tell the gear is down if the lines cross---and above them were about 8 people looking over their shoulders. It was Norman Rockwell meets Passenger 57. So, where was my camera you might ask when such an important event was taking place? At home.

I still kick myself for not having it and every time I am on a plane, a camera is with me.

So why did I write this blog? The image above is what photography is all about. Capturing the moment when there is nothing there----nothing to be seen, nothing to show anyone, nothing that will ever hang on a wall. But then it happens. Magic. You push the button and you have it forever.

I am always trying to fill the void. I take a lot of pictures---most suck---but every once in a while you get the one that didn't get away.

See you tomorrow....thanks for stopping by.

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